This is how a real investment banker applies for a job.
The tree hopping, tail swinging, pitch book throwing, tequila drinking and deal-breaking life of an investment banking monkey.
The i-banking monkey is an analyst at a bulge bracket investment bank that likes to think it is second to none. That's about all the thinking the firm does.
The monkey, on the other hand, thinks a little too much - about the firm, about the client, about the model, and as is rather obvious from this blog, not enough about oneself.
The monkey can be contacted here.
Happy reading.
nice redaction attempt
What is so funny bout that cover letter? Read it and noticed only "military and lack of sleep")).
I think you might need a slightly thicker marker pen!
Nice of him to include a long and short format, lol.
this monkey demonstrated absolute brilliance!
his cover letter can easily be sent to 50+ banks at one go...
MD material efficiency and intelligence if i'm any judge
You can easily see that guy's name. If I were you, I would probably take this off the site.
@ Raven - you hit the nail right on the head! Absolute brilliance.
@ Anonymous - name is now illegible. But the content of the letter isn't, and Raven makes a great point that this letter's probably been mailmerged and sent out to the entire city in its exact same form!
You guys have either got a high tolerance for BS...oh silly me - of course you have - you guys thrive on the stuff. Doh!
What's with the use of the word "both" in the paragraph about military experience? That doesn't look gramatically correct to me. Lack of attention to detail, poor pitchbook proofing skills. Not IB material.
@ Anonymour - good spot. A for effort but attention to detail of our applicant needs improvement.
dude the guy is loaded, living in "the white house", london
@ Anonymous re whitehouse apartments. Check out this link for the development. You may very well have a point. Loaded, this chap may be, but not very banker like as he has chosen to live outside the SW3 postcode.
The white house is a shitty place to live - it's catered corporate apartments and has no class whatsoever. Overpriced too.
This guy is such a loser; his letter may get read but his dignity is straight out the window. Oh dear boys...
Bro, you might as well left your name and info on the sheet. You can see right thru the marker! Genius, hire him !
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